Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Feeling Bored or in a rut?

It is worth looking around the internet at the amazing anomalies of archaeology, the weirdly human robots being made and the Fortean type experiences many normal people have had, its a great reminder that life is not limited to the social scripts we live by. So I am suggesting that if you blocked or despondent refresh your sense of wonder, this is a practical suggestion. It will prime you to look beyond your limitations and stimulate a desire to inquire about life.

I am suggesting that a little radical exploration on the net can liberate your creativity....here is another piece that goes a little further


Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Why Would You Want to Join the Reality Activists Ning

The Reality Activists project I am involved in is gathering momentum, we have podcasts and an online community site called the Ning.

So why Join?

We do not like to oversell Reality Activists but we feel we would be failing you if we did not report the extraordinary benefits that members are experiencing.

Here is what you can expect after signing up for the Ning…

Increased sense of well being immediately upon signing up
Unexpected increase in confidence and popularity within 24 hours
Lucid dreams and visions of utopic futures within 48 hours
Radiant complexion and significant increase in vitality within 72 hours
Extraordinary upsurges in sexual magnetism
Uncanny instincts for opportunities
Waking up refreshed and full of anticipation for the day ahead
An extraordinary emanating bodily aroma that is a cross between Frankincense and roses

And according to staggering reports from other activists

Effortless ability to attract financial rewards
Extra dimensions to sensuality including the ability to taste the active nutrients in food
to continue further benefits include....

You may well receive visitations from emissaries from other civilizations not from this realm
Solicitations from powerful and influential power brokers
One woman reported a very pleasing firming of her bosom
One man could not believe the extra girth that seemed to just appear on his previously undeveloped arms
Spontaneous laughter as you finally understand the cosmic humour of creation
Short periods of enlightenment arising through the day


and join us on 23rd May for our Global Activation....

Saturday, 9 May 2009

A Portal Jumping Jaguar Moment.

2012, UFOs, inter-dimensional beings, Galactic portals, multidimensional travel, the lightbody, Merkaba and howler monkeys.

Last night I recorded a radio show about the Mayan Calendar for LeeDee radio a Cantonese internet based Radio Channel who have something approaching 80, 000 Cantonese speaking listeners.


I was introducing the 260 day scared calendar known as the Tzolkin, but also talking about my personal experiences with the Tzolkin and my 6 month trip to the humid jungle temple site region around Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.

The presenters of the show are Cheuk Fei and Jenny. Grace Chiu was with me translating my words and generally helping to explain in Cantonese, the essence of what I was saying. The 90 minute show which focuses on mysteries goes out on Monday nights; this Mayan Calendar special episode is scheduled for the 18th May.

Cheuk Fei is a very cool guy with a serendipitous connection to the Mayan calendar through an Aztec stone calendar pendant that he wears around his neck. He purchased a pendant a few years ago on Venice Beach California, without an intellectual reason, lost it and then searched for four years on eBay before he was able to replace it.

The Mayan Calendar is a resonant, magnetic attractor for every subject that is ‘way out of town’, not just because UFOs, aliens, shamanism, techno shamanic futurism, interdimensional travel, galactic futurism and 2012—are hip New Age chic, but also because the 260 day sacred calendar naturally puts one in a resonant state of consciousness with the intersection of reality as we know it and reality on the fringes of awareness.

Carey and I have created two handbooks that assist with understanding this complex and extraordinary subject which are part of the package for our Mayan Calendar and 2012 workshops.
The next one which is particularly suitable for Cantonese speaker is being organized with Grace Chiu in late May early June, watch this space.

Here is my blogspot for those who are following the 260 day Tzolkin already.


Picture evoking a little of the richness of Mexico, social revolution, wild west mentality, UFOs, passion, strong Liquor, shapeshifting, dancing, music, aromas and colour

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Mayan Calendar Workshop (last Sunday)

The Workshop which called Riding The Corridors of Time, introduces the sacred 260 day Mayan calendar which is an experiential tool that puts you in a consciousness that is resonant with the 2012 effect.
The day went very well and really left me with a profound sense the next day. The workshop has ritualistic elements to it and I was concentrating on that as being a way to evoke the 260 day pulse in the participants psyches. What surprised me was how I woke up again and on a new level to the significance of the 260 days.
The next day was 3 Ben also known in Dreamspell as 3 or electric Skywalker, my awareness was of the frequency of 260 day rhythm being the zone or realm that could be said to be at the edge of the Earths energy field looking out beyond Earth and into Earths worldly theatre. When I say looking out I do not mean with a telescope but with a new filter that interacts with the living plasma and Galaxy that the Earth travels within.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Join the Reality Activists

This weekend sees me presenting Mayan Calendar workshop and speaking at the Phusikoi as I mention below in my last blog, but also at the moment there is a rush of energy with The Reality Activists projects I share with Daniel, which we are leading but wanting to open it up as a group project….see the pitch below.

Creativity, Consciousness and Community.
Reality Activists is a gathering of inquiring minds to discuss debate and discover new ways to understand the world.

We've got a podcast—http://realityactivists.blogspot.com
We've got a social network—http://realityactivists.ning.com
And we're looking forward to interacting with—YOU!

Next weekend is also ‘full on’; Friday night Grace Chiu and I are being interviewed on Cantonese internet radio, (80,000 Cantonese listeners worldwide) which will be a first for me. Saturday is The Storytellers reunion, The Storytellers are a group of super wonderful people who participated in my Storyteller course in January 2007. That with the podcast, writing and yoga is keeping me busy, it feels good I have to say.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Back from England getting ready for...Mayan Sacred Calendar Workshop; Riding the Corridors of Time

Hi, well I am back from England and have hit the ground running with Reality Activists, Mystic Cyber Crow blog posts and developments see them here;



also am now preparing for next weekend, firstly on Saturday 2nd May where I am at Phusikoi, HK PolyTech and I am presenting a 20 minute intro to my work.... plus Sunday 3rd May I am presenting a workshop thanks to Grace Chiu, titled

Riding the Corridors of Time

An interactive workshop with Laurence James Lucas on how to follow the Mayan Sacred Calendar

Each student will receive your own Mayan Daykeeper Sign and its meaning as an aid to tuning into 2012. It would be a perfect complement to any previous 2012 seminars, giving you an immediate and personal connection to galactic consciousness.

For those who have registered please provide your birth dates (no birth time is needed) to me BY EMAIL OR FACEBOOK MESSAGES for the calculation of Daykeeper signs.

* Students may bring along your own cushions to sit on. Yoga mats are also available. No drinking and eating is allowed in the studio room. Please take off shoes before entering the studio room.

Date: May 3, 09 (Sunday)
Time: 2-5pm
Venue : 香港西環 堅尼地城 卑路乍街86號 南生大廈3樓B (春蕾舞台藝術工作坊)

Guest speaker : Mr. Laurence J. Lucas

Fee: $400

let me know if you want more information.

Later this week I will post a piece on The Dreamspell and the difference in correlation between this and the indigineous count...and I will explain what I just said...............laters

Monday, 23 March 2009

Monday 23rd March, coming to England this week

I am preparing for my visit to England which includes a workshop about the ‘Universal Rites of Passage’ and consultations in Cambridge and London.
If you are interested in having consultation with me in London, Canterbury or Cambridge—or attending the Cambridge workshop on April 4th—then drop me an email at ljl.lifechanges@yahoo.com

I am also looking forward to seeing the film The Watchmen, Battersea Park, the London cosmopolitan vibe, my daughter and some very special friends. The contrast between HK and England that I have experienced over the last 5 years has really sharpened my awareness of the social aspect of how life is an enchantment, a co-created magical construct.

One of the things that I am focusing upon at the moment is the new zeitgeist I see emerging, I will write a piece on it soon, but also I am catching this wave, surfing it and being part of its co-creation with Daniel Clarke in our joint project The Reality Activists.


Friday, 6 March 2009

Do You Really Want to Change Your Life?

Do You Really Want to Change Your Life?
The true answer is, only if you have to—either through crisis or a burning desire.

How can you change your life?

The first step, usually, is that after recognizing that one’s present reality is not working, people generally go back and explore old modes, old behaviours and old perceptions of what life is or ‘should’ be.

The next imperative involves having a vision or a sense that a new life is on the horizon. This requires both faith and imagination.

I am talking here about a major reality shift; a complete new perception, a new Enchantment. However, whether it is a major shift of reality that you seek, or just a positive change within the framework of your present reality, the essential principles of the ‘Law of Attraction’ do apply.

Intentions and clarity of vision that are energized with feeling—which are then released and detached from—always, yes always, attract the opportunities to create the reality you desire. As soon as you have fully handed your intention over—released it to the unconscious—your energy will pull in the first opportunity that you are required to act upon. A phone call, an intuitive flash, a chance meeting will appear. I know this to be true; I know this to be really that simple.

Simple, huh? Yes, simple—but not easy.

Why is that? What’s missing?

The fact is we live within multiple levels of perception and reality. These are the Enchantments, each of which is encoded with differing wants that can negate our intentions.

How I Can Help
As a Life Change Facilitator, when I work with clients on a continuous basis, I help them with understanding their master intention for this life; the life purpose. In your astrological birth chart, your life purpose is revealed by the Dragon’s Head (also known as the Moon’s North Node). The Dragon’s Head shows us the soul’s pre-life agreement—the agreement and life intention you have made with yourself before birth.

I help clients clarify their true intentions. We all have a multitude of diverse and seemingly contrary desires. Within that cacophony of wanting, there are a few predominant intentions, all of which are flavours of the life purpose. What I have found is that people have a number of desires that are always coherent with the master intention of life purpose, yet each reveals a slightly different expression of that purpose. In other words, we have a destiny, but we also have free will.

Once we can see our predominant desires, free from the white noise of lesser wants, we are then ready to make a choice. By working with someone who can guide our exploration of our psyche in regards to intentions, it becomes much easier to see our priorities, choose, commit and set our clear intentions.

Intentions that are stated, written down, shared with allies and enriched with imagery then become part of a coherent life vision. The light of this coherent vision is a laser beam, a clear message, a frequency that then goes out into the matrix of Life. Life is benevolent and abundant in its totality. The universe says “Yes!” It affirms our prayer, not necessarily so much the exact wording, but certainly the total energy and overall frequency.

If you pray desperately for something, the frequency you are transmitting is desperation. The genie that grants the wishes then sends you more of the same. Similarly, if we are in a state of enjoying our life as it is, focusing on the joy and abundance already within our life, Life then increases the joy and abundance. Whatever we focus upon, we become.

Now this does not mean we are in total control of our life. This is where humility, adaptability, openness, relationship and necessary adjustment all come into the picture. In short, although it is divinely right to set intentions, we also learn to have some detachment. We say “This is my intention, and now I hand it over,” and where necessary surrender to Life’s greater wisdom. Working with intentionality is how we become more creative and conscious of how reality is co-created; of how the inherently magical nature of consciousness manifests as our life and the world in which it is set.

The Enchanting World

Another element of Life Change Facilitation is helping people to understand the multiple levels of reality that I call Enchantments, which make up the collective co-created terrain.

Our life is about us, our evolving desires and our enjoyment of Life and how that fits with the greater reality. As we grow, our chosen intentions naturally and increasingly benefit more and more people.

If we are going through a fundamental life change then we are usually shifting our centre of gravity, our emotional centre, from one Enchantment to another.

One benefit of the Enchantments model is that it enables us to have a vision of a future after our old world has dissolved.

What applies to the individual also applies to society, so another benefit of understanding the Enchantments model is a greater understanding of the intelligence of Life and how it is operating in the world today.

My Life Change Facilitation is only suited to those who are truly committed to change, either through necessity or through intense desire.

In general terms, the primary period for this level of change—during one of the universal rites of passage—is from around 36 to 42 years of age, and sometimes at 50 to 52. Some rare individuals will be open to further transformations at around the age of 62.

Other more personal major life changes depend upon uniquely individual situations, mirrored by the corresponding astrological transits in your own chart.

The Big Q
I have devised a fun self-assessment questionnaire called the Big Q, which introduces the main adult Enchantment levels and how they play out in your life. Just 11 questions with multiple choice answers. Email me at ljl.lifechanges@yahoo.com for a free PDF copy.

Video Interviews
For video interviews, please see the Blog Archives for February 2009 on this blogsite.

Next Workshop with Laurence James Lucas in the UK

Astrology and Consciousness: Universal Rites of Passage
Saturday 4 April 2009, 10am to 5pm
The Sukhmani Yoga and Meditation Centre, 68 Humberstone Road, Cambridge CB4 1JF, UK
Bookings: 01223 575 181
Cost: £60 (includes 30-page handbook)

One-to-One Consultations

I will also be available through the Sukhmani Centre for individual astrological and life-change facilitation consultations on Sunday 5 April 2009. Advance bookings essential (by 1 April 2009). Limited numbers; call Har Hari on 01223 575 181 now.
£120 for a two-hour consultation, including preparation work beforehand.

Monday, 23 February 2009

How can I help you?

My work is about the nature of reality, its fabric and direction. I have found that, yes, Life does have a direction, as we all do. There is purpose to existence.

In the 21st century, people are hungry for purpose.

Are You Living Purposefully?

We are here to live purposefully. If we have purpose, we feel vital and alive. But what is purpose?

Purpose is direction. But what is the direction of Life?

I suggest that the direction of Life is towards unity. The purpose of your life is to enjoy Life, but to enjoy Life increasingly requires us to move towards unity, which means being in love and also doing something that is a gift to other people; giving your gift to the world.

Being in love—whether it be loving one’s vocation, loving other people in your life or just being in love with Life, as in having a sense of awe and reverence for its beauty and mystery—is an outpouring of energy that feeds the unity of Life on Earth.

But let’s get back to the question. Are you living purposefully?

How Do We Live with Purpose?

We live with purpose by becoming increasingly conscious of:

(1) The environment we live in, which includes both our own world and the world at large.

(2) Our own autonomy, by actively utilizing our creative will; calling upon our imagination, our beliefs and our perceptive ability; and, finally, acting to attract that which we love into our life.

My work with individuals and groups focuses upon the collective consciousness and the social environment that we each as individuals are part of, as well as our own personal choices and intentions. Both macro and micro components are obviously essential for our enjoyment of Life.

Life requires us to act, but we need to be conscious of the big picture so that our actions have meaning and are aligned with the intention of our soul—the intention we chose for this life before we were born.

Ah, yes, but how do you start? It can sound overwhelming … well, that’s my job, to help you see the direction of Life and your role in it.

Introduction to my work interview at the New Age Shop HK

introduction second half

part one

part two

part three