Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Why Would You Want to Join the Reality Activists Ning

The Reality Activists project I am involved in is gathering momentum, we have podcasts and an online community site called the Ning.

So why Join?

We do not like to oversell Reality Activists but we feel we would be failing you if we did not report the extraordinary benefits that members are experiencing.

Here is what you can expect after signing up for the Ning…

Increased sense of well being immediately upon signing up
Unexpected increase in confidence and popularity within 24 hours
Lucid dreams and visions of utopic futures within 48 hours
Radiant complexion and significant increase in vitality within 72 hours
Extraordinary upsurges in sexual magnetism
Uncanny instincts for opportunities
Waking up refreshed and full of anticipation for the day ahead
An extraordinary emanating bodily aroma that is a cross between Frankincense and roses

And according to staggering reports from other activists

Effortless ability to attract financial rewards
Extra dimensions to sensuality including the ability to taste the active nutrients in food
to continue further benefits include....

You may well receive visitations from emissaries from other civilizations not from this realm
Solicitations from powerful and influential power brokers
One woman reported a very pleasing firming of her bosom
One man could not believe the extra girth that seemed to just appear on his previously undeveloped arms
Spontaneous laughter as you finally understand the cosmic humour of creation
Short periods of enlightenment arising through the day

and join us on 23rd May for our Global Activation....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurence,
    Sign me up for everything but more sexual magnetism... enough worship already I cant take any more... long time since the cosmic days of liquid light initiations... I ended up in the sarcophagus of the great pyramid doing an initiation that gave my flashbacks to the liquid light I'm working for a Tibetan Rinpoche Lama and there is some incredible crystal skull stuff going on...

    great to reconnect with you...

    Love Sarah
